Tuesday, April 29, 2008

the perfect long weekend...

I just spent the most fun weekend visiting friends in the twin cities. It is so nice to be able to connect with friends you haven't seen in awhile and feel like no time has past. I love you twin cities peeps! Here are some fun photos from the trip:

Converse time at Bryant Lake Bowl in Minneapolis after having oh so much fun the night before at the Groveland Tap and Costello's.

View from the boy's hotel room Sunday night. Gotta love conferences that allow you to stay in swank places for free with a view like this.

Best pizza ever! We went to Punch on Sunday night for the first time. Yes, we used to live in the twin cities but foolishly had never gone. It's authentic Neapolitan pizza and it definitely takes you back to Italia.

And the final photo is the lovely little Amelie-esque surprise I came home to Monday night. I am carting my shopping finds and suitcase up the stairs when I notice out of the corner of my eye that our gnome has moved locations. How curious. I step more into the backyard to find that in our gnome's usual location is something quite else entirely. Really confused but somewhat delighted at the prank. I had my suspicions about the culprit(s) and they were confirmed this morning. I think the boy and I will have to think something up for them in return...

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1 comment:

A's mama said...

Ooooh, oooh, exciting mystery of the gnome! Keep us updated of your antics...